
Quick Creamy Mint Chicken

Quick Creamy Mint Chicken
Pan roasted chicken cooked with zucchini slices and finished with cream and fresh mint.

Courtesy of Katerina Wright.
Directions for: Quick Creamy Mint Chicken


2 Tbsp canola oil

salt and freshly ground pepper

2 chicken breasts, skin on, boneless

1 medium zucchini

6 mint leaves

cup cream


1. Preheat oven to 450F.

2. Pat the chicken breasts dry and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.

3. Trim the ends off the zucchini and cut width-wise into sections no longer then 3 inches. Cut each section in half lengthwise, and then into long wedges no wider than 1 cm.

4. Bring a large, seasoned cast-iron or heavy non-stick skillet to medium heat and add oil.

5. Place chicken breasts skin side down into the pan and immediately move slightly. (This will help to avoid sticking.) Let the chicken fry for 5 minutes without touching. After 5 minutes, check the chicken and once the skin is golden brown and crispy, flip the chicken.

6. Pour off all but a teaspoon of oil.

7. Add zucchini and stir then transfer to the oven.

8. Cook for 15 minutes or until cooked through and chicken has an internal temperature of 165F.

9. Remove chicken and zucchini from pan and place the pan back on the stove top over medium heat.

10. Add cream and mint and scrape any browned bits from the pan. Bring to a light simmer.

11. Season with freshly ground pepper and a pinch of salt and pour over the chicken and vegetables.

12. Serve immediately.

See more: Dinner, Main, Chicken, Bake, Fry, Low-Carb, North American, Quick and Easy

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